Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 5: SMILES (& A Buncha Fuss)

Amelia turned 5 weeks old yesterday and holy hell are things changing (uh, again). Apparently babies change a LOT. I'm not sure you knew that. After we returned from our challenging but oh-so-rewarding voyage across the universe, Miss Millie Bean SMILED! Like a real SMILE! Right at us. I'm so happy that Brad was able to be home for it and we both got to experience that incredibly joyful moment. In fact, he even videotaped it! But I don't know how to download it yet, so yeah. Sorry.

In other news, our babe is experiencing another (one of many to come) growth spurt. The past three nights she's taken to waking every, oh I don't know, two seconds to nurse. And not only that, but she's a fusspants mcgee. Up until this point it seemed like she was easily consolable when upset. It may have taken us a few attempts to figure out what was awry with her pretty little self, but she would settle. And now? Well now not so much. She just seems mad sometimes. And even when she's clearly EXHAUSTED she is FIGHTS sleep like it's her goal in life not to sleep. It breaks my heart to see her so upset (also, breaks my SELF). I just want to make it all better. So anyway, with the frequent nursing, the frequent night-wakings, the lack of regular naps, and the increased fussypantsness, I'd say we've got a rapidly growing baby on our hands. A google-diagnosis, if you will.

Exhibit A: cute 5-week-0ldExhibit B: cute jammies now transformed into cute 3/4 length sleeve jammies

Exhibit C: cute cuteness smiles

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I want to see more pics! I know you have them!! Wedding pics too!
