Monday, March 12, 2012


Miss Mills is now TWO years old. No more measuring her life in months. We're in years, buddy. She's kind of a big deal now, dontchaknow. She's even speaking in sentences. That is how much of a big deal she is. Yeah, she might misuse {or not use} proper nouns and prepositions, but DEWAI.

Here's a little video I made to commemorate her second year of being a part of our family and a part of this world. We couldn't imagine it any other way. She's the biggest blessing. She cracks us up. She makes us smile. She is the cutest little thing I ever did see. She is smart and sassy. And she gets it. Like, really really gets it. She astounds me. Challenges me. Entertains me. Hits, pinches, and kicks me. Feeds me. Squeezes me. Kisses me. Hugs me. Tickles me. Jumps on me. Amazes me. Bosses me. Shows me. Asks me. Befuddles me. Shares with me. Pulls me. Prods me. Scolds me. Holds me. Loves me.

Happy Second Birthday, Miss Amelia Lee.
Love you, love you, love you.

{I finally got the video to work but had to remove the video clips--total bummer. But still, here it is.}