Wyatt is talking more and more each day. He is now 21 months old and learning and growing and changing so fast. He's putting phrases together and understands so much it surprises me sometimes. He's less and less a baby and more and more a little boy. It's mostly exciting and only somewhat sad for this mama.
Some current favorite words/phrases:
-all done
-mo peese
-pool/im/each/boaties (pool/swim/beach/floaties)
-tink you (thank you)
-ohhh man
-oh yeah!
-cool dude
-read books
-EEP (sleep)
-nuh-nuhs (nursies)
-uv you/love you
-hold you
He's been saying many of these (and more) for months now, but these are some of my favorites. He and Millie play together so well and fight quite a bit as well. He's so physical and gives her a beat down way more than I'd (or she'd) like. We're working on it. We are constantly reminding her that he's "still learning," which she then likes to remind me as well. He calls himself "TT" and is starting to remember the names of his/Millie's friends and our friends too. Which is super fun.
He's still nursing about three times a day, but can go all day without it, including bedtime (recently) so it's been freeing for me! He is still very interested in "nuh-nuh's" so I'm not sure when we will actually decide to stop, but I'm just going with it for now. Honestly, I don't think either of us are truly ready to completely stop. Especially since he is most likely my last baby.
Wyatt loves to read books, play with cars, wear headbands and hats, eat, drink out of mama's glasses/eat mama's food, hold hands, give hugs, play at the park, swim in the pool (well, mostly throw shit into the pool), jump into the pool, go to the beach, throw sand, dance, throw toys (sensing a theme?), play with Millie, go nigh-nigh, take baths (baff), sit at Brad's desk and punch the keyboard and make phone calls, open and close doors, be outside, be naked, pee on the deck, wear necklaces, eat pizza, play in Millie's room while she's at school, get into mischief, move chairs around the room, be involved in everything, draw (on things that aren't paper), be a big boy, do whatever Millie is doing, be held, ride in the stroller/wagon, throw rocks, play in dirt, pick flowers/plants, not listen, do stretches with mama, push wagons/strollers/carts, jump on the bed/couch, splash, make a mess, rip shit up, etc. This guy really enjoys life!
He does not like getting his diaper changed, being told what to do, being told NO or to stop doing something, getting dressed after bath, being forced to hold hands crossing the street, not being included in something/anything--he really wants to be a part of all the action.
Gosh, we adore this kid.
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