I am so incredibly blessed to have one of my very best friends (from high school--EGR get LOUDER!) live approximately 1 mile away. Not only that, but she's an awesome mom of two little lovebugs and her youngest, Lola, is just about 3 months older than Miss Amelia. Millie has already been the lucky recipient of many darling teeny tiny pink outfits. I mean, what's cooler than sharing clothes with your best friend?! NOTHING. Here they are chillin when Millie was just 2 days old.
They're obviously totally in love. Little Loie's mama has been such an amazing support and friend to me since the first day I told her the news (she was SO thrilled!) and is continuing to settle my nervous mama nerves each day. (Also, she feeds me!) We have so many adventures in store for us!
and I fill you in on needless hair loss info! What a gal....