This past weekend I also took a sewing class and made a pillow. With a ZIPPER. So that happened. I'm pretty much an expert now. I also bought a book so I can make all sorts of adorable baby stuff. I'm obsessed. Sewing is the coolest!
Last night (and the night before...and maybe the night before) I kinda had a bit of a panic sesh just as we were getting into bed (at 9pm. FINE). I have been revising our "Master List: Preparing for Bean" and starting to totally freak the fuck out about not getting it all done in time. Fiji reminded me that it's just like wedding planning--it's not ALL going to get done, but we'll prioritize and get the big stuff done and it will be great and yada yada. He's so RATIONAL. GAH. Well, apparently that's not good enough for me. I have a compulsive desire to get EVERYTHING POSSIBLE DONE that we have EVER wanted to get done. It's weird, but it's my life. It's just, I get tired at night after making dinner (or just eating dinner, to be honest) and being productive at night just isn't my thing. And Fiji's going to be out of town for the next THREE weekends (kind of) and when is this all going to GET DONE?! Answer me that! I tried to calm down, but started crying instead. Clearly that exhausted the already tired pregs and I passed out. The end. BYE.
p.s. Here's my awesome handiwork. You love it!

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