Thursday, January 28, 2010
Our Little Honeydew
35 weeks. 35 WEEKS! And 35 days to go. THIRTY. FIVE. A little honeydew melon weighing in at 5 1/4 lbs and around 18 in. Apparently most of the physical development is complete (except for the brain! As Fiji likes to remind me--over and over and over again--and therefore convince me to eat more fish) and the bean is just getting more and more chubbs mcgee.
And then there's me. Me? I am tired. I get up around the same time as normal but my eyes? They don't want to be open. They're sleepy and squinty and heavy and beg me all day to allow them to close. I just want to crash into bed as soon as the sun sets. I've also been experiencing some new preg symptoms called SHARP PAINS in my abdomen. Apparently it's normal and nothing to be concerned about--it's just some ligaments STRETCHING. Also, there's nothing you can do about it. Which is nice.
We met with the midwife last night and the bestest came with! She was "slack-jawed" the entire time (her words not mine). She got to hear the heartbeat (130s--lowest yet!) and feel the head (still down) and witness me almost passing out after laying on my back for too long while the uterus was being measured (right on track at 35cm). I tried to describe what that feels like and the best I could come up with was, "well, it feels like my insides are being squished and it's kinda hard to breathe." Which is exactly what is actually happening. Genius!
This weekend is the bean's shower and I'm SO excited about it! The main struggle has been figuring out what to wear but after trying on several different outfits, the decision was basically made for me seeing that one thing actually fit right. So that happened. Yay!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
the got me
So, I'm still fighting this bug that has decided to take over my nasal passages. It's a real shit, I tell ya. I'm certainly doing much better than Sunday. Sunday was rough. (Although the day did end triumphantly with a big win--GO SAINTS!) I'm drinking loads and loads of fluids and using a vast array of essential oils and diffusing oils and taking baths and drinking tea and using the neti pot and resting. I think that' all I can really do. I rarely, if ever, take regular cold medicine anyway, so I'm not missing out on much. I've been trying to quiet the guilty feelings that have emerged because I've "allowed" my body to get sick. Throughout this entire pregnancy I've been doing all I can to stay healthy for the bean (and for myself, obvs): exercise, eat whole & natural foods, rest, de-stress, etc. Rationally, I know it's not my "fault," but I was truly hoping to avoid any illnesses with the bean growing inside of me. Is this the whole "Mommy Guilt" thing already? GEEZ.
In other news, the bests are here! They arrived last night and it's crazy to think this is their final visit before the bean's arrival and before their new journey begins as husband and wife. Yup, we've got a lot of changes a-brewing amidst our little family of four (plus one mini). We're blessed that they've been able to visit so often since they up and abandoned us for warmer weather and more sunshine about a year and a half ago. We trust that we'll all live in the same zip code (or Costa Rican villa) again someday.
And then there's the bean. That crazy little creature is growing up a storm and seems to be pushing my ribs out of the way in order to get more comfortable. Thanks beaner. Preesh. I've been enjoying our bath time together lately with lots of conversations and even some nasal-y songs. Hopefully the bean's not too picky about the musical choices. Or the voice. We'll be sure to play REAL music as well so there's no confusion as to what is good and what is mama.
Also, I've started a new tumblr blog because clearly I post so frequently here and need another outlet. But this new one is mainly to house the (mostly baby-related) stuff that I see and like or want to remember or whatnot. So if you feel like checking it out, feel free:
In other news, the bests are here! They arrived last night and it's crazy to think this is their final visit before the bean's arrival and before their new journey begins as husband and wife. Yup, we've got a lot of changes a-brewing amidst our little family of four (plus one mini). We're blessed that they've been able to visit so often since they up and abandoned us for warmer weather and more sunshine about a year and a half ago. We trust that we'll all live in the same zip code (or Costa Rican villa) again someday.
And then there's the bean. That crazy little creature is growing up a storm and seems to be pushing my ribs out of the way in order to get more comfortable. Thanks beaner. Preesh. I've been enjoying our bath time together lately with lots of conversations and even some nasal-y songs. Hopefully the bean's not too picky about the musical choices. Or the voice. We'll be sure to play REAL music as well so there's no confusion as to what is good and what is mama.
Also, I've started a new tumblr blog because clearly I post so frequently here and need another outlet. But this new one is mainly to house the (mostly baby-related) stuff that I see and like or want to remember or whatnot. So if you feel like checking it out, feel free:
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Cantaloupes and Things
Babe's weighing in at 4 3/4 lbs this week and about 18" long--about the size of a cantaloupe, which seemed quite large until one of my friends mentioned that she weighed less than that at birth (6 weeks premature). Um, whoa.
In other news, my Mom's in town--yip! We've been eating late lunches and drinking chai tea and taking afternoon rests (her) and finishing up the slip cover for the bean's chair (her) and fighting off a minor sore throat (me). It's the first time I've been sorta sick this entire pregnancy, so I'm trying to be thankful for that. Plus, I keep telling myself that maybe my body is just storing up special immunities for the babe. Which is slightly comforting. My mom also came with me to the midwife appointment today and got to feel the babe's head (still down) and hear the heartbeat (140s). That just doesn't get old.
Tomorrow my project is to make the crib skirt. Apparently one cannot simply buy a plain old crib skirt in a solid color. It must be covered with cartoons or hearts or animals or trucks or ladybugs. Who knew? I may also end up making the crib sheets because I haven't been able to find the color I want. Because clearly that's incredibly important. In fact, my obsession with the babe's room is all pretty ridic since the beaner will most likely be sleeping with us anyway. But I've been all excited about making a special little place, even if we just end up changing diapers in there for a while.
Speaking of diapers, I'm doing my best to get as well-informed about cloth diapering as possible. We're still debating whether to start right out the gate or to hold off for the first couple of months. Fiji seems to think that we should just go for it. He also thinks that he's going to be able to "work from home" while watching the babe when I'm at the office. This should be interesting. And by interesting, I mean hilarious. Or maybe I mean exhausting. I guess I don't know what I mean because I've NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE. We're probably both going to be shocked. Or pleasantly surprised. Either way, there's no doubt that we're already smitten kittens.
p.s. I learned two important lessons this week:
1. Dish soap is not at all the same as dishwashing detergent. Holy hell does that create a lot of bubbles. We're talking BUBBLES. Bubbles and completely unnecessary tears.
2. Do not attempt to put a new dust ruffle/bed skirt on your king-size bed all by your pregnant self. Again with the totally unnecessary tears.
Friday, January 15, 2010
The Pineapple Bean
Week 33 has arrived and the babe is now the size of a pineapple (preferably without the pokey top parts). That seems insanely large to me, but I dig it. This pineapple child is one active baby. Sometimes the movements make me squeal and squirm with delight. It's still the most insanely awesome sensation--feeling this child move. I like to guess what babe's up to in there (it's a shoulder! it's an elbow! it's the third vertebrae!) and inform the Feej to sound very intuitive and smart-like, but really I haven't got a clue (shhhhhhh). Oddly enough, we've been eating a pineapple all week that I randomly picked up last weekend when I didn't even know about our pineapple child. Now that's talent! Or something.
In other news, I've been sleeping better lately and only getting up about once a night, which is such a welcome relief. My tum has been "compromised" for several weeks now and I can only really manage to eat small servings without feeling the "holy hell I'm going to burst" sensation. So there's that. ALSO. I may have made a new friend at our class! She and her hub weren't there last week and as soon as she walked in and sat down next to me (she loves me!), I knew we could be friends. Unfortunately, she lives in Evanston (not that there's anything wrong with that) and that's far. Fiji suggested that I convince her to move down here so we can be neighbors. I thought that might be a bit premature since I don't even know her last name. Or anything else about her besides her due date. (Pregnant White Female much?) And that she laughed at my jokes. BFF!
We tackled some tasks around the house and I'm feeling much more content with the state of affairs. Yes, we've still got loads to do. But it's not going to help if I'm a crazypantslady about it all. See--I can be rational too! Yessssssssssssss.
In other news, I've been sleeping better lately and only getting up about once a night, which is such a welcome relief. My tum has been "compromised" for several weeks now and I can only really manage to eat small servings without feeling the "holy hell I'm going to burst" sensation. So there's that. ALSO. I may have made a new friend at our class! She and her hub weren't there last week and as soon as she walked in and sat down next to me (she loves me!), I knew we could be friends. Unfortunately, she lives in Evanston (not that there's anything wrong with that) and that's far. Fiji suggested that I convince her to move down here so we can be neighbors. I thought that might be a bit premature since I don't even know her last name. Or anything else about her besides her due date. (Pregnant White Female much?) And that she laughed at my jokes. BFF!
We tackled some tasks around the house and I'm feeling much more content with the state of affairs. Yes, we've still got loads to do. But it's not going to help if I'm a crazypantslady about it all. See--I can be rational too! Yessssssssssssss.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Having the Bean at Home (Part I)
Ever since I can remember, I've always wanted to be a Mom. I've always loved kids and often felt more comfortable (and more like myself) in their company. I started babysitting young and have continued to do so (in fact, there are 2-year-old sleeping twins in the next room as I write this) throughout high school, college, graduate school, and even now. Just as I always knew I wanted to study psychology and understand people better, I've always wanted to understand children better. And to get the pleasure of seeing the world through their eyes.
Therefore, it's not at all surprising that I've quite enjoyed my countless hours of researching and reading and exploring and learning about pregnancy, labor, birth, and babies. The more educated I have become, the more confident I have become about the choices we are making for this miracle of life growing and moving and shaking in my belly. In addition, it's not at all surprising that I have become quite passionate about this new-found interest and occasionally distraught at the state of labor & delivery affairs in our country.
When I was in college, my sister-in-law had my first nephew at home (actually, at my parent's home). I admittedly thought she was a wackadoo. Then she had her two other children at home (one was even breech!) and I grew more and more comfortable with the idea. However, I never really considered that I would also be one to have a homebirth. I just didn't think it was for me.
When we found out about the babe, we met with a highly-recommended mifwifery group who deliver in the hospital. And it just didn't feel quite right. So I began researching birthing centers and discovered that we don't have that option in always-so-progressive Chicago. This past summer we visited with my sister-in-law and kiddos and something just sort of clicked and I thought why not!? I knew Fiji would be thrilled that I was even considering it--it's like his dream-come-true. And therefore I set out on the journey to find a midwife to deliver our baby bean at home.
One thing I want to make notably clear: I most definitely do not think that all families should have homebirths--not AT ALL. Each family must make the choice that is right for them and figure out where THEY feel most comfortable. But I do hope that as more and more families are choosing homebirth, that others will have a better understanding about the reasons behind it. People seem to judge--one way or another--I'm certainly guilty. But I want to judge less and accept more. I think the part that frustrates me the most is the lack of knowledge or understanding that there is more than one way to healthily and successfully birth a child.
(I'm not sure if anyone is going to find this interesting, but I wanted to have a record of our decision-making process for us and for beaner--because obvi the babe's going to CARE. )
To be continued...
Therefore, it's not at all surprising that I've quite enjoyed my countless hours of researching and reading and exploring and learning about pregnancy, labor, birth, and babies. The more educated I have become, the more confident I have become about the choices we are making for this miracle of life growing and moving and shaking in my belly. In addition, it's not at all surprising that I have become quite passionate about this new-found interest and occasionally distraught at the state of labor & delivery affairs in our country.
When I was in college, my sister-in-law had my first nephew at home (actually, at my parent's home). I admittedly thought she was a wackadoo. Then she had her two other children at home (one was even breech!) and I grew more and more comfortable with the idea. However, I never really considered that I would also be one to have a homebirth. I just didn't think it was for me.
When we found out about the babe, we met with a highly-recommended mifwifery group who deliver in the hospital. And it just didn't feel quite right. So I began researching birthing centers and discovered that we don't have that option in always-so-progressive Chicago. This past summer we visited with my sister-in-law and kiddos and something just sort of clicked and I thought why not!? I knew Fiji would be thrilled that I was even considering it--it's like his dream-come-true. And therefore I set out on the journey to find a midwife to deliver our baby bean at home.
One thing I want to make notably clear: I most definitely do not think that all families should have homebirths--not AT ALL. Each family must make the choice that is right for them and figure out where THEY feel most comfortable. But I do hope that as more and more families are choosing homebirth, that others will have a better understanding about the reasons behind it. People seem to judge--one way or another--I'm certainly guilty. But I want to judge less and accept more. I think the part that frustrates me the most is the lack of knowledge or understanding that there is more than one way to healthily and successfully birth a child.
(I'm not sure if anyone is going to find this interesting, but I wanted to have a record of our decision-making process for us and for beaner--because obvi the babe's going to CARE. )
To be continued...
Resident of Crazytown (est. 1978)
Last week we had our first natural childbirth prep class and I think it went fairly well. We are the only homebirth people, so basically no one wants to be our friends. We're crazy! I was hoping that there would be some other homebirthers that we could become best friends with, but no such luck. We played some ice breaker game (tolerable), drew a (childish) picture of our vision of "birth," and watched a semi-offensive video about the evil hospitals. It appears that Fiji and I were the only ones to be offended, but we just assumed it was because we (the homebirthers) were there and people didn't want to be all "that's just CRAZY talk! You're putting your child's life at risk!" Oh, and also, the teacher made us preg ladies sit on big, birth balls and practice rotating our pelvic floor muscles. In the middle of the room. It was awk. I also had to take it upon myself to inform a father about delivering the placenta. So that was nice. I'm sure he really appreciated it slash is now even more afraid of me.
This past weekend I also took a sewing class and made a pillow. With a ZIPPER. So that happened. I'm pretty much an expert now. I also bought a book so I can make all sorts of adorable baby stuff. I'm obsessed. Sewing is the coolest!
Last night (and the night before...and maybe the night before) I kinda had a bit of a panic sesh just as we were getting into bed (at 9pm. FINE). I have been revising our "Master List: Preparing for Bean" and starting to totally freak the fuck out about not getting it all done in time. Fiji reminded me that it's just like wedding planning--it's not ALL going to get done, but we'll prioritize and get the big stuff done and it will be great and yada yada. He's so RATIONAL. GAH. Well, apparently that's not good enough for me. I have a compulsive desire to get EVERYTHING POSSIBLE DONE that we have EVER wanted to get done. It's weird, but it's my life. It's just, I get tired at night after making dinner (or just eating dinner, to be honest) and being productive at night just isn't my thing. And Fiji's going to be out of town for the next THREE weekends (kind of) and when is this all going to GET DONE?! Answer me that! I tried to calm down, but started crying instead. Clearly that exhausted the already tired pregs and I passed out. The end. BYE.
p.s. Here's my awesome handiwork. You love it!
This past weekend I also took a sewing class and made a pillow. With a ZIPPER. So that happened. I'm pretty much an expert now. I also bought a book so I can make all sorts of adorable baby stuff. I'm obsessed. Sewing is the coolest!
Last night (and the night before...and maybe the night before) I kinda had a bit of a panic sesh just as we were getting into bed (at 9pm. FINE). I have been revising our "Master List: Preparing for Bean" and starting to totally freak the fuck out about not getting it all done in time. Fiji reminded me that it's just like wedding planning--it's not ALL going to get done, but we'll prioritize and get the big stuff done and it will be great and yada yada. He's so RATIONAL. GAH. Well, apparently that's not good enough for me. I have a compulsive desire to get EVERYTHING POSSIBLE DONE that we have EVER wanted to get done. It's weird, but it's my life. It's just, I get tired at night after making dinner (or just eating dinner, to be honest) and being productive at night just isn't my thing. And Fiji's going to be out of town for the next THREE weekends (kind of) and when is this all going to GET DONE?! Answer me that! I tried to calm down, but started crying instead. Clearly that exhausted the already tired pregs and I passed out. The end. BYE.
p.s. Here's my awesome handiwork. You love it!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Oh, hi! I think a few weeks got gobbled up there (I may or may not have eaten them myself). I pretty much relocated to quiet, serene (and snowy) Michigan for a few weeks and am now back to the land of the ambulance siren and gazillions of fast-moving people and things. It's snowy here too and, unlike everyone else, I love it. It's white! And pretty! And it kinda covers all the yuck (temporarily) with a smooth, sparkly blanket (of brrr).
Our Christmas this year was one of the most peaceful ones I can remember. We made and decorated cookies (halfway through I may or may not have taken a nap on the couch. I'd call out directions every once in a while from my position to make sure the kids weren't messing anything up. What a good mom I am going to make!), completed two puzzles, ate a bunch of food, made more sweets, ate them, watched movies, opened presents, ate more, etc. I even slept until 7:30am most days. A major feat for me. I think the beaner received the most gifts this year...which basically means that I received the most gifts--Christmas WIN. Bebe (my Mom) is a crafty genius and knit the babe a sweater (while recovering from pneumonia because she is amazing). Looksee:
After "the boys" left, my mom and I got down to some serious sewing business and made a slip cover and some bumpers for the bean's room/crib. She did all the hard parts while I sewed in a straight(ish) line. In order to keep up with my new-found talent, I am taking a sewing class this weekend.
A few days later, Fiji picked me up and up we went to NOMI (Northern Michigan for those not in the know) to visit with his family. His parents throw an annual NYE bash with 50+ of their closest friends (slash strangers to me). I was shocked (and appalled) at the number of people who asked me if this here baby growing in my tummy was planned. WTW (what the what!)?!! Um, first off, who ARE you? And secondly, SHUT YOUR FACE. People, this is why I hate you. All in all, I am already in love with TwentyTen because it's the year of the babe. Ain't nobody gonna bring me down. Also, I stayed up until midnight and kissed my hub (and tried not to cry because HI, I'm EMOTIONAL) and promptly said CIAO to the stranger dangers. And then laid in bed for 3+ hours trying to fall asleep. Those old people sure are loud! I mean, don't they need their REST?! Apparently not.
The new year has been pleasant so far. Except, you know, yesterday. I just couldn't shake the funk. We had our 32 week appointment (oh, and p.s. I'm 8 months pregs! At this point bean is basically growing chubs and moving around ALL THE TIME) and even that didn't cheer me up. Fiji made us a nice and healthy 3-course-meal with recipes from the "Feeding the Whole Family: Cooking with Whole Foods" cookbook that my parents re-gifted him for Christmas (that he is totally obsessed with) and I rejected each and every course. And then I cried. Because, why can't I like the healthy stuff!?! Maybe because the fish had a head on it! And the quinoa smelled like...quinoa? And the beets were weird! But probably mostly because I am a bitch. After he "made" me bowl of homemade granola and a clementine to appease my child-like eating habits, I wiped my tears and asked him what he would like to change about me. He laughed, rubbed my feet and replied, "Nothing." And that is why I know we are so going to rock TwentyTen. In a major, major way.
Our Christmas this year was one of the most peaceful ones I can remember. We made and decorated cookies (halfway through I may or may not have taken a nap on the couch. I'd call out directions every once in a while from my position to make sure the kids weren't messing anything up. What a good mom I am going to make!), completed two puzzles, ate a bunch of food, made more sweets, ate them, watched movies, opened presents, ate more, etc. I even slept until 7:30am most days. A major feat for me. I think the beaner received the most gifts this year...which basically means that I received the most gifts--Christmas WIN. Bebe (my Mom) is a crafty genius and knit the babe a sweater (while recovering from pneumonia because she is amazing). Looksee:
After "the boys" left, my mom and I got down to some serious sewing business and made a slip cover and some bumpers for the bean's room/crib. She did all the hard parts while I sewed in a straight(ish) line. In order to keep up with my new-found talent, I am taking a sewing class this weekend.
A few days later, Fiji picked me up and up we went to NOMI (Northern Michigan for those not in the know) to visit with his family. His parents throw an annual NYE bash with 50+ of their closest friends (slash strangers to me). I was shocked (and appalled) at the number of people who asked me if this here baby growing in my tummy was planned. WTW (what the what!)?!! Um, first off, who ARE you? And secondly, SHUT YOUR FACE. People, this is why I hate you. All in all, I am already in love with TwentyTen because it's the year of the babe. Ain't nobody gonna bring me down. Also, I stayed up until midnight and kissed my hub (and tried not to cry because HI, I'm EMOTIONAL) and promptly said CIAO to the stranger dangers. And then laid in bed for 3+ hours trying to fall asleep. Those old people sure are loud! I mean, don't they need their REST?! Apparently not.
The new year has been pleasant so far. Except, you know, yesterday. I just couldn't shake the funk. We had our 32 week appointment (oh, and p.s. I'm 8 months pregs! At this point bean is basically growing chubs and moving around ALL THE TIME) and even that didn't cheer me up. Fiji made us a nice and healthy 3-course-meal with recipes from the "Feeding the Whole Family: Cooking with Whole Foods" cookbook that my parents re-gifted him for Christmas (that he is totally obsessed with) and I rejected each and every course. And then I cried. Because, why can't I like the healthy stuff!?! Maybe because the fish had a head on it! And the quinoa smelled like...quinoa? And the beets were weird! But probably mostly because I am a bitch. After he "made" me bowl of homemade granola and a clementine to appease my child-like eating habits, I wiped my tears and asked him what he would like to change about me. He laughed, rubbed my feet and replied, "Nothing." And that is why I know we are so going to rock TwentyTen. In a major, major way.
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