This past month was pretty major:
*She rang in a brand new year for the very first time (albeit fast asleep)
*She started feeding herself with a spoon
*She now pats US on the back
*She started standing unassisted (not pictured...)
*She got her 8th tooth
*She mastered pushing things around the house and walking behind them {like her push cart, trash cans, baskets, sewing machine case, boxes, etc.}
*She started to actually sort shapes with the shape sorter
*She developed an interesting obsession with her socks
*She waves (especially when anyone puts on a coat)
*She consistently put herself to sleep at night (sometimes after playing in the crib for a WHILE)
*She started sleeping 7-7 (yip!)
*She had her first tubby date with a boy
*She got her first passport
*She developed her first crush on an older boy (and a DIFFERENT one from the tub date--she's keeping her options open)
*She took her first steps (!) (not yet captured on film)
*She started really playing with her friends
*She had her first snow day (Blizzard of 2011)
*She said her own version of Jack (the puppy I sleep with WHAT OF IT) in a sweet little whisper. DAH-DAH is still going strong and MUMMA when she's upset (along with plenty of other indecipherables).