Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Weekend Away

Last weekend was a momentous occasion (why can I never correctly spell occasion on the first try?) for me. It was the first time I was away from the baby over night. And it turned into TWO whole nights away. It was marvelous but I missed her sweet face every minute. Or almost every minute (ahem).

We dropped her off with my parents with her schedule (they asked!) and a list of some "helpful hints." Oh, and a shitload of milk. And a bunch of other stuff. Those babies sure don't pack light. (Oh, and she slept through the entire night both nights like the good grandbaby she is!)

We stayed at the B&B where we stayed the weekend of our wedding. Back then we had filled it to the brim with our favorite peeps and partied our asses off. While we had the same room, it was quite different this time around.

The skies were sunny and the air crisp--just like our wedding day. We drank cocktails saddled up at the bar and stayed up past our bedtime. We took pictures of the sunrise and then lazed around all morning, drinking coffee in bed. We ate lunch at the bar, drank bloodies, and watched football. (And Michigan won, finally!) We walked the streets and dipped into cute shops and galleries. We made a list of our goals on a cocktail napkin. We had dinner at Everyday People where our rehearsal dinner was held. Just the two of us.

To be honest, we talked about our little miss a lot. But we also talked about other stuff. Important stuff. Where's-our-life-headed type of stuff. And it felt great. And strange. And wonderful. And we reminisced. And we made plans for our future on a cocktail napkin.

We walked to brunch early the next morning, but all I really wanted to do was to go snuggle our girl. She is the biggest part of my life right now. And that's okay. And that's grand. And I love my little family more than I ever imagined.

p.s. A HUGE thank you to my wonderfully supportive and generous parents who watched Amelia for us. You're the coolest. ily

p.p.s. When we met them at our favorite coffee shop to drop off the carrier and some more milk, little miss thing acted as if she didn't even know me! I was surprisingly sad about it. But it showed me just how much she loves and trusts Bebe & Pop, so I really can't be too upset about that!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Crazy Eights

Today is Amelia's 8-month birthday. If we were to throw her a special party for the occasion, we'd give her 8 of her current favorite things:

1. Keys: The real metal ones. No plastic "baby" keys for this lady. She wants the real deal. And will throw a bit of a fit when I take them away in order to, you know, do something crazy like start the car or something.

2. Remote controls: If it has little buttons and she's not supposed to play with it, then she wants it. And she isn't as easily thrown off with a little hiding behind the pillow maneuver.

3. Buttons/Snaps/Zippers: She wants to eat them all right up.

4. Cords: Obsessed.

5. Straps: Luckily this comes in rather handy as she likes the strap on her carrier as well as the strap on her car seat. This gives me an additional 5-10 minutes of go-time.

6. Puffs/Rice crackers: My saving grace in the car when she's overtired (or just plain sick of being in the car) and I've (once again) pushed her past her limits. Bad mama. But these little snacks melt in her mouth and therefore delay the meltdown on the way home.

7. Mirrors: She is the only person that can undoubtedly make herself laugh and giggle and smile no matter what. She loves herself, what can I say.

8. Anything about 2 feet tall: She is pulling herself up on anything she possibly can these days (fireplace, ottoman, tv stand, chairs, bathtub, etc.). And sometimes nothing at all...which results in a funny downward dog action. It's actually quite impressive. (Also, dangerous. She had her first mobility-related-injury last week as she came crashing down on the corner of our molding. Scary.)
Sunset on the roof:

Proper crawling:

First attempt at Cheerios:

One favorite toy: lens cap

Just a cool little lady:

Nightly tubbies (her other favorite bath toy is a plastic cap) :

Pulling herself up for the first time:

Chewing up her crib (she's got 5 teeth!):

First time on Mullett Lake:

Hanging with Uncle Matthew:

Big swinger:

Happy 8 months to my sweetness, my bunny mcgee, my monkey, my millie bean, my amelia lee, my munchkin, my babe, my little, my lovie.

p.s. She's a chatty bean these days. Sometimes it sounds like she's saying Brad, but comes out more like "Bwad." Also, she can say "MA-MA-MA" (but I'm not sure she relates it to me yet) and "BAH-BAH" and "WA-WA." Among other incomprehensible sounds. It's the cutest.
p.p.s. I almost don't want to type this for fear of jinxing it, but she's been sleeping solidly for the past week and I haven't gone into her room once before 6am for the past almost 2 weeks. (Brad's gone, but not recently.) She will wake up and fuss a bit in the night and maybe cry out, but she settles herself back to sleep within 5-10 minutes. Usually. She's napping twice a day pretty consistently for about 75-90+ minutes. LOVE. Sometimes she needs the 3rd nap, but not usually.
p.p.p.s. She throws her arms up when she wants to picked up. I die.
p.p.p.p.s. She laughs and smiles and loves to be tickled.
p.p.p.p.p.s. She is starting to really get the hang of this eating thing. She adores her puffs and MUM-MUMS, just like her carb-loving mama. So far she's had: avocado, banana, oatmeal, butternut squash, carrots, pears, sweet potato and cinnamon, and a bit of my apple. So fun!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Amelia's first Halloween.

She was a Busy Busy Bumble Bee. She is a very busy girl--always getting into something.

She love love loves to stand. (She also love love loves her daddy.)

She's a curious little rascal that Millie Bean. ("Um, what is this?")

She puts anything and everything into her mouth these days. (Well, except for some of the purees I've made her. She'd prefer to just eat dust bunnies or rug lint or hay or grass.)

On Sunday we went to a Halloween Brunch with our Moms group. There is something so incredibly funny about little people dressed up. They're just so cute! And little! Almost every baby was an animal of some sort.

After that we went to Millie's best friend's house for an early (baby-bedtime-appropriate) dinner. YUM.

Happy Halloween!