No, but for reals. I love being pregnant. I giggle out loud each time I remember that there is a precious darling little babe growing inside me that Fiji and I created together. The whole thing is pretty flipping amazing. Feej has taken to burrowing his head into my belly and talking to the beaner, which is alternately endearing and annoying. I get hot and claustrophobic even faster than before--who knew that was even possible?! I hope the baby takes after his dad in those regards (and many, many others...particularly in the knowing of pretty much everything).
So, anyway. The bean is almost an inch in length this week and the size of a grape. It seems interesting that as each week progresses, the bean becomes the size of a type of food I've been eating and craving. Which makes me feel (even) weird(er) inside.

This past weekend the bean attended it's second wedding (in it's 9 weeks of existence). Both on the east coast, so there's that. This week the bean also experienced it's first Cubs game (we had to leave in the 5th inning due to a bad nacho experience. Then we lost). It was my first Cubs game sans Old Style. Which hurt a little. Also, sans hot dog. TRAGEDY. This weekend we're back on the road heading up to initiate the baby as an official Mullett Laker. And also announce the news to the great grandparents, who will hopefully remember my name. Just kidding! (But I do hope they remember I'm married (and no longer living in SIN) so it's OKAY to be pregs!)