Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Everlasting Hangover

Lately, when people have asked how I'm feeling (which has now entered into the top 3 of most posed questions), I hold an inner debate about how I should respond--glowy and positive or harsh and blunt? Usually these debates are short-lived, as I tend to just blurt out whatever comes to mind. Per ush. And the most typical (and honest) response I can provide is, "I feel hungover." Which, due to the fact that I haven't had a drink in over 4 weeks, is odd. And pretty much sucks. And, to be honest, a total and complete rip-off. I mean, come ON! All of the yuck and none of the fun?! That's weak. I mean, BABY, what are you doing down there??

No, but for reals. I love being pregnant. I giggle out loud each time I remember that there is a precious darling little babe growing inside me that Fiji and I created together. The whole thing is pretty flipping amazing. Feej has taken to burrowing his head into my belly and talking to the beaner, which is alternately endearing and annoying. I get hot and claustrophobic even faster than before--who knew that was even possible?! I hope the baby takes after his dad in those regards (and many, many others...particularly in the knowing of pretty much everything).

So, anyway. The bean is almost an inch in length this week and the size of a grape. It seems interesting that as each week progresses, the bean becomes the size of a type of food I've been eating and craving. Which makes me feel (even) weird(er) inside.

This past weekend the bean attended it's second wedding (in it's 9 weeks of existence). Both on the east coast, so there's that. This week the bean also experienced it's first Cubs game (we had to leave in the 5th inning due to a bad nacho experience. Then we lost). It was my first Cubs game sans Old Style. Which hurt a little. Also, sans hot dog. TRAGEDY. This weekend we're back on the road heading up to initiate the baby as an official Mullett Laker. And also announce the news to the great grandparents, who will hopefully remember my name. Just kidding! (But I do hope they remember I'm married (and no longer living in SIN) so it's OKAY to be pregs!)


Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Bean on Screen

Today we got to see the Bean on the screen of the ultrasound machine (which was quite the old-school machine, I might add) (also, that totally rhymed! Yesss). Fiji had to point out the bean to the midwife. He's a genius. The midwife also had a mullett and spoke in an (bad) Irish accent at times. So that was fun.

At first she thought Bean was only 7 weeks--which may be cause for a concern--so she called in another ultrasound tech (who actually KNEW how to work the machine) and it turns out the Bean is right on track at exactly 8 weeks old. Go bean! ALSO. The nickname is apropos once again as the bean is the size of a kidney bean this week.

Feej and I spent several hours at the OBGYN while my lady bits got poked around and then they drew like 17 viles of blood. Which was nice. I also found out I have a retroverted uterus which led to the midwife saying ASS. Good times! We can't believe it's all really happening. It's all happening!*

*We'll watch Almost Famous one day Bean, okay?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blueberries and Bruises

Today, the bean is officially a blueberry. Yummo. (Was that weird?)
Yesterday, I fell (because I am an idiot slash major klutz) and got a serious bruiser below my knee. Ouch! I'm gimping around the house and trying to ice and rest it as much as possible. BOR-ING.

I also learned that beaner (or berry, now) is growing hands and feet! It's still so crazy to think that there's this little precious creature growing inside of me.

The Feej is down in Costa Rica starting to pick out lumber for our future home...exciting! Now I'm just anxiously awaiting the bestest's visit tomorrow! Yesssssssssssssssssssssssss.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Um, there's a baby in my belly

Dear Bean,

Hi! Today you are the size of a lentil bean. A lentil bean! That's teeny! You are 6 weeks and 1 day old. Last week you were the size of a sesame seed, so you're really moving on up. Good work!

Below are some pictures of your dad and me the day after we found out about you, which happened to be the 4th of July (fireworks!). And also my friend's wedding on Cape Cod (unused open bar!). I spent the day and night pretending to drink. Your father, on the other hand, did not.

KBYE! Er, not really because you and me are like totally in this TOGETHER and stuff! We adore you already.
